Nagashima-cho, where the Azuma-Cho Fishing Cooperative is located, has a long coastline and many coves, and it is an environment where currents come and go are extremely intense.The average annual water temperature is about 19 degrees, and it is very fortunate as a location condition for fishing grounds.In particular, aquaculture and fishing that take advantage of this location conditions are widespread throughout Nagashima Town.Fish farming is also characterized by its large family business.The “King” is the best brand in Japan, managing food safety by the Azuma-Cho Fishing Cooperative itself, with its high quality of cultivation, meat, nutritional value, and high quality.


The destination where the Azuma-Cho fishing cooperative stares

“Fisheries Cooperative” is a union in which the fishermen’s union members have the same purpose and are organized in favor of the purpose.Of course, it must be a useful organization for fishermen, which will benefit the fishermen.And we aim to be an organization that is trusted and open to society, not to mention union members.

Philosophy of Enterprise

Corporate Philosophy

a union trusted union
for union members

In order for the union to conduct business as an organization, “trust between the union and the union member” is the most important thing.Against the background of this trust, we will promote our business based on the premise that we will protect the management and livelihood of our members.We will continue to contribute to the management stability of our members by promoting business development based on “challenge, creation, and transformation” as an action guideline.And we aim to be a robust union that is trusted by society.

Nobuo Nagamoto, President of the Representative Board
of Directors (President, National Seawater Fish Association)

Azuma-Cho Fishing Cooperation

The Information

Kui Ori Na Azuma-Cho Fisheries Cooperative
0996-86-1200FAX:0996-86-1202, 176
9-1Takanosu, Nagashima-cho, I
zumi-gun, Kagoshima 899-1401
Established1949 (Showa 24)
Capital663.52 million yen
Representative OfficerNobuo Nagamoto, President of the Repr
esentative Directors Association, 2006 (Heisei 18) September 30
Number of union members611 (376
positive union members/ 235 associate members)
Number of employees83 (li
mited number of staff: 20/ Part 40)
Economic Business Handling30,470 million yen
Related CompaniesJFA Co., Ltd.
Major financial institutionsKagoshima Prefectural Credit Fisheries Coopera
tive Association, K
agoshima Mutual Credit Bank
Japan Policy Investment Bank, etc.
*As of the end of March 2020
Combined member group weaving


The Azuma-Cho Fishing Cooperative has union members’ organizations such as the Seinenbu, the Women’s Club, and various suppliers’ associations.We actively engage in a variety of activities, including sales promotion activities and cooking classes, as well as community contribution activities.

List of union members > Seinenbu, Women’s
Department, Fish Farming Company Association, Gochi Net Dealers Association, Takotsubo Traders’ Association, Maki net Traders Association, Isoken Net Traders Association, Blue Osa Aquaculture Producers’ Association, Ikesu Cleaning Divers Association, Blue Declaration Association

Shosuke Shiso


Azuma-Cho Fishing Association Hall

[Head Office
] 899-1401 Taka
su, Nagashima-cho, Izumi-gun, Kago
shima 1769-1TEL:0996-86-1200

See the map


899-1403 Shour
a, Nagashima-cho, Izumi-gun, Kago
shima 1232-1TEL:0996-86-1155

Purchase And Purchase Business Department

899-1403 Kagoshim
a Prefecture Izumi-gun N
agashima-cho Shou
ra Purchase Purchase Food Divis
ion TEL:09
96-86-0700 Ice Division TEL:099
6-86-0755 Fuel Mat
erials Division TEL:0996-86-0316

Construction site

899-1403 Shoura, Naga
shima-cho, Izumi-gun, Kagoshima Prefecture
1229 Processing Co-Sales Div
ision (Processing Division) TEL:0996-86-1
188 Processing Co-Sales Divi
sion (Co-Sales Division) TEL:0996-86-1230

So-go Kako

899-1403 Shour
a, Nagashima-cho, Izumi-gun, Kag
oshima 907-4TEL:0996-64-5411

Manufacturing and engineering site

899-1212 Kawatoko, Na
gashima-cho, Izumi District, Kagoshima 4508-1


1949 (
Showa 24)
The Azuma-Cho Fisheries Cooperative Association was
established (the Fisheries Cooperative Act was enacted).
Started farming blue osa
Market opening
Bri’s exports to the U.S. started.
Processing business Sta
rt processing facility established (Hakui, Takeshima)
y Acquisition of “HACCP certification” at the processing plant (eligible items: 11 it
ems) *The first plant remodeling cost i
n Japan for farmed fish: 150 million yen
2003 (
Heisei 15)
ry Certified as an “Exported Fisheries Food Handling Facili
ty for EU” *Export of fresh brie to t
he EU i
n August for the first time in farmed fish
Certified as “Kagoshima Brand” for aquaculture buri
2005 (
Heisei 17)
June 10: Exp
ort of “Shanghai” in China re
gistered as “E
xport Fisheries Food Handling Facility to
China” on November 16, 2016
Registered as “Exported Fisheries and Food Facilities for Russia”
2008 (
Heisei 20)
April 11, Thai
land “Taio” trademark registration
January 14: “H
ayao King” trademark registration
2013 (
Heisei 25)
Construction of a general construction plant
March 24: Jfa Co.,
Ltd. was established in September for the certification of the “King of The Sea”, “Tai-o”, and “Kagoshima’s Agricultural,
y and Fisheries Certification System (K-GAP)”
2019 (new y
ear Reiwa year)
Acquired “IS
O 22000″ on May 15 (Processing Plant and General Processing
Plant) June
18, “Aquaculture Management Council (ASC) Certification” (Buri Aquaculture a
nd Process
ing Distribution) September 5 , “Marine Ecolabel Japan (MEL) Certification” (Buri Aquacultu
re and Bri processed products)